Monday, 18 August 2014

Homemade Sauerkraut Paleo Recipie

Paleo inspired, real food sauerkraut recipe from Sarah Hopkins
To make this simple yet supremely healthy recipe you will need the following ingredients;

1 small cabbage (approximately 800g)
22g Salt (himalyan or celtic sea salt)
Seasoning - caraway seeds, juniper berries, dill
Fermenting Jar (I used a Fowler's Vacola)

See more here.

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Introducing Sarah and Paleo Cooking

My name is Sarah Hopkins and I am a CHEK Holistic Health Coach (Level 3) & Trainer here in Perth, Western Australia. For the last 15 years I have been on a journey of self discovery with an emphasis on health and well-being.  This has developed into a passion for knowledge in this subject matter, as well as practice.
Holistic Lifestyle Coaching provides the perfect template to offer a unique way to improve health, vitality and appearance.  Integrating long term strategies, I utilize a coaching model that empowers my clients to take responsibility for their own health and determine the level of commitment they are comfortable with.

Program Benefits

    Healthy weight loss
    Improved health
    Increased energy levels
    Improved sport performance
    Stress reduction
    Decreased pain
    Improved digestion
    Reduction in the process of aging
    Improved concentration & memory
    Improved personal relationships
    Increased motivation
    Improved hormonal balance