Have you ever stopped to wonder exactly what is "good health"?
Sleeping through the night? Limited aches and pains? Maintaining an ideal body weight or colorful diet? Regularity, or maybe just spending time with friends?
Kathy Kaehler, also known as the personal trainer to the stars in the US, is a good example of someone who practises what she preaches. Here are Kathy's tips for improving your well being. At eFit30 we hope you print off this list and stick it in a place where you can glance at it regularly.
1. For one week set an alarm to GO TO BED. Be consistent. Turn off the tv, use an eye cover to block electronic light or window light. Keep the same time every night for one whole week. I bet by the end of the week you will notice a difference.
2. Add fresh ginger to foods and drinks during the day. A small slice to a cup of tea is great for inflammation. Add ginger to your cooking, stir fry, soup, rice or salad. Stretch after your workout and gently stretch before bed. This will aid in muscle and joint pain.
3. Boil a pot of water and pour into a bowl. Place the bowl on the table and lean over the bowl with a towel over your head. Be cautious as the water will be very hot, do not lean on the bowl, but keep your face above the bowl to feel the steam. This will refresh your skin. Before bed use a lotion on your legs, arms, elbows, toes, heels, and neck. Your skin will thank you.
4. Walk walk walk, get out and walk during the day. Before work, during work, lunch time, after work. Wear a pedometer. If you are not at 10,000 steps a day, get moving. You will get to your ideal body weight before you know it.
5. Red and yellow, green and orange, purple, blue and shades of all, will not only get you eating more real food, but you will reap the benefits of getting more vitamins, minerals and fiber. Think of it as the ONE STEP WAY. Eat as many foods that are one step from their natural state. An apple picked from the tree is ONE STEP.
6. Do you have an issue with regularity? I have one word. Probiotic. If you don't know what that is or what it is for, do some research. Probiotics, or healthy bacteria do wonders for our gut, immune system and regularity. There is nothing more to say on that except get it.
7. Shut off your phone, get away from the computer and make a date with your friend (s). Time away from your routine does wonders for your mind body and soul.
8. And finally, communicate. Everything and everyone is better when there is communication. Be open and be honest. Be timely with your words.